Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Week end :P

 This week is our  prelim examination, I review my lessons to get high grades. but when I study my lessons in physics I was totally lost with the topics, because it was hard for me to analyze the problems. So I spend my time just to review this subject. After exams , me and my blockmates play base ball in the field, we enjoy playing.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 20, 2011

10 years from now =))

  Ten years from now? , I am a successful Engineer  . People call me Engr.Bautista that was so flattering.. Having a stable job,After a long hard working, sleepless night just to review lessons? I'd like to work and travel abroad, Having nice work place , nice people around me, and I think having a family(I guess?) .. But before having my own family I want to help my parents who worked hard for me to be able to finish my college. I would like to give them a house that they could call their own. Help on their needs, to give them in return. I want also to have my own house , and a business like computer shops etc.. That's all =))

Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2011

why i choose wup and the course bsece

I choose wesleyan university philippines, because this school is one of the best university in Nueva Ecija. and it is the only school that offer bachelor of science in electronics and communications engineering in Nueva Ecija.

I choose "BSECE", because my dad said it is better than my first choice and this course is in demand.